Old Age Make-up For TV and Film

2013-03-08 10.56.15

I used a mixture of grease paints and eye shadows for this look as I wanted it to be subtle yet effective. I used the grease paint to give depth and the shadows to gently shade and contour the face. First I looked into how the face ages before adding any make-up to my face as I wanted to see where wrinkles take form. I then pull all kinds of silly facial expressions to find where my wrinkles would appear this was a huge help as I was able to position them properly.

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I then used a medium brown grease paint and painted the wrinkles in with a fine brush and blended with my fingers to make the lines less harsh. To make the lines stand out more I used a little white grease paint to act as a highlighter to give the wrinkles at 3D effect. I also added grey and a little amount of maroon under my eyes to give the appearance of dark circles as the skin becomes thinner with age so dark circles would be more visible.

I then used a fluffy angled brush and Virgin Vie eye shadow in beige brown to contour my cheeks chin forehead and jaw.  Finally I dabbed a tiny amount of red bruise gel onto the apples of my cheeks and around my nose to recreate broken capillarities under the skin as this is common with aging skin.

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Overall I’m very pleased with the final look considering I have never done an old age make-up before. This make-up would be more suitable for TV and film as it is subtle which is a good thing as the camera would not be able to pick up the make-up on HD productions however it is still visible enough to be effective. Next time I am going to try and do a ageing make-up suitable for theater which would need to be a lot darker much more pigmented to show up on stage as lighting tends to bleach out colour making it less visible to the audience.

If you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask, I’ll get back to you ASAP : )

Thanks for reading!

Katy x

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