1950’s Hair (Marilyn Monroe Inspired) – Heated Rollers

For the following looks I used heated rollers to create the bouncy tight curl for a tutorial on how to set hair using heated rollers just click the following link..  https://kathrenelizabethmakeup.wordpress.com/2013/03/08/setting-hair-heated-rollers/

medium hair set in heated rollers. Kathrenelizabethmakeup.wordpress.cpm

My Bex’s hair had taken really well to the rollers as I was left with bouncy strong curls which I could then work into a 1950’s inspired style..

1950's inspired style hair, marilyn monroe style

For the first style I wanted to maintain the tight curl the rollers had created so I simply spit the curls and positioned them where I wanted them to create a very polished curly style. If you wanted to keep this style I would advise using an extreme hold hair spray to ensure it has longer staying power. As I wanted to further experiment with the curls I missed out this step as I didn’t want to add too much product to the hair until I was completely happy with the final style.

1950s style curly hair

For the final style I decided to experiment with brushing out the curls to create a softer different look. I tried to only brush the top part of the hair to ensure I had some curl left at the bottom. I then secured with plenty of hair spray to help maintain the style.

1950s monroe hair

Overall I am very pleased with the looks I created as I’m really fond vintage style hair. Experimenting with different styles like this has allowed me to build in confidence in using heat settings as I now know you can dress the hair out to create different shapes and lengths instead of leaving the simple angel curl style that the rollers had created. I am now not afraid to experiment with heated rollers and try something different as you can always edit the look afterwards as the curl is very versatile.

Thanks for reading!  Again if you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask!

Katy x

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